Sunday, November 6, 2011

Commonly Used Netlingo

Netlingo is computer and internet language and terminology. It is widely used by gamers, chatters and surfers. We can see it game chatbox, chatbox lounge and in some forum posts. Here are some of the netlingos that I am familiar with. Whenever you are in forum and posting for help of suggestion from someone, be sure to familiarized yourself  with netlingos that are commonly used.

bak Back at keyboard

bfn Bye for now

bbl (be back later)

cu See you

ltns Long time, no see

gfete Grinning from ear to ear

aamof As a matter of fact

afaic as far as I'm concerned

afaict as far as I can tell

eod End of discussion

hth Hope this (or that) help

imho In my humble (or honest) opinion

jk Just kidding

otoh On the other hand

ot Off topic

tmi Too much information

mmd Make my day

hbic Head Bitch In Charge

bamf  Bad Ass Mother F*cker

unf Universal Noise of F*cking

nsfw - Not Suitable/Safe For Work

mte  My Thoughts Exactly

smh So Much Hate

otp  One True Pairing

tldr Too Long; Didn't Read

stfu  Shut The F*ck Up

gtfo  Get The F*ck Out

ngl  Not Gonna Lie

gg  Good Game

mia  Missing In Action

1337  leet

stfu  Shut The F*ck Up

gtg  Got To Go

kuk  katawa ug kusog

smh  Shaking My Head

ffs  For F**ks Sake or Friends For Sale

lmao  Laughing my angkle/a** off..

milf  Mother id like to f**K

ftw  for the win

ctc care to chat

brb bathroom break, be right back

afk away from keyboard

asl age, ***, location

pms  pissing myself laughing

afaik  as far as I know

afaicr  as far as I can recall

tbh  to be honest

gtfo  get the f* off

imho  in my humble opinion

idk  i dont know

btw by the way

onw on my way

loljk Laugh out loud, just kidding

imy I miss you

ikr I know right?

ntmu Nice to meet you

afaicr  as far as I can recall

@teotd - at the end of the day

For a complete listing of computer and internet technology or netlingo just visit

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